If we are not open and you have an immediate need for food, please visit another neighborhood pantry listed below, or visit the Fresh Trak website at https://freshtrak.com to find open pantries located near your home zip code.
If we are not open and you have an immediate need for food, please visit another neighborhood pantry listed below, or visit the Fresh Trak website at https://freshtrak.com to find open pantries located near your home zip code.
Other Pantries In The Neighborhood
All People’s Fresh Market, 945 Parsons Ave, 614-445-7342, check website for hours of operation: https://www.4allpeople.org/FreshMarket
LSS Champion Food Pantry, 1460 S Champion Ave, appointments can be made at:
Stowe Mission, 888 Parsons Ave, https://stowemission.org/, appointments can be made by calling LS 211 of Central Ohio
NNEMAP Food Pantry, 677 East 11th Ave, visit website for hours of operation and eligibility information: https://www.nnemappantry.org/about-us/
Mid-Ohio Food Collective, 3960 Brookham Drive, Grove City, Ohio, visit the MOFC website for current hunger services available: https://www.mofc.org/mid-ohio-foodbank/
All People’s Fresh Market, 945 Parsons Ave, 614-445-7342, check website for hours of operation: https://www.4allpeople.org/FreshMarket
LSS Champion Food Pantry, 1460 S Champion Ave, appointments can be made at:
Stowe Mission, 888 Parsons Ave, https://stowemission.org/, appointments can be made by calling LS 211 of Central Ohio
NNEMAP Food Pantry, 677 East 11th Ave, visit website for hours of operation and eligibility information: https://www.nnemappantry.org/about-us/
Mid-Ohio Food Collective, 3960 Brookham Drive, Grove City, Ohio, visit the MOFC website for current hunger services available: https://www.mofc.org/mid-ohio-foodbank/

If SSCM Food Pantry is closed and you are in need of DIAPERS now, click the link below for a list of other agencies who also partner with Bottoms Up Diaper Bank and may currently be open.
To learn more about Bottoms Up Diaper Bank, and how to support this critical community organization: www.bottomsup.life
If SSCM Food Pantry is closed and you are in need of DIAPERS now, click the link below for a list of other agencies who also partner with Bottoms Up Diaper Bank and may currently be open.
To learn more about Bottoms Up Diaper Bank, and how to support this critical community organization: www.bottomsup.life
NEED TO GET WARM? Click on the link below for an interactive searchable map showing locations of community warming stations locations open all over the city of Columbus, Ohio.